The National Cancer Institute considers anyone diagnosed with cancer to be a cancer survivor beginning at diagnosis. A cancer diagnosis has an impact on the loved ones who care for survivors as well. We use this definition of cancer survivor in our study because we are interested in learning about the experiences and quality of life of survivors and their caregivers from the cancer diagnosis, through the course of disease and treatment, and beyond. We appreciate you providing your unique perspective and experience as the primary caregiver to a cancer survivor.

If you received an invitation to participate in the Detroit ROCS study and would like to complete your survey, please click the link below and use the login information provided in your introduction packet. If you have any questions or would like assistance completing your survey, please Contact Us or call 1-844-729-4854.

Once you have enrolled in the Detroit ROCS study, we will contact you once a year to ask you to complete a follow-up questionnaire. We appreciate your continued involvement in this research. If you have received your login and password for a follow-up, please use this link to complete your survey: